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"Art is so wonderfully irrational, exuberantly pointless, but necessary all the same time"
Günter Grass

Wellcome to my website. I come from Olsztyn. It is a beautiful town placed among lakes and forests in north-eastern Poland.
I work in the Main Library of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.
I started painting a really long time ago… ;) But I'm an amateur. I do it as I can feel it. I like oil-paintings, water-colours, pastel, Indian ink, an ordinary pencil or mixed techniques. In 2006 I felt in love with batik. I've learned this interresting technique thanks to Iwona Bolińska-Walendzik (www). In that way I can share my own reflections and thoughts with everybody. I usually paint people, but I don't mind popular portraits. No. I try to paint human nature by "catching" the pose, the attitude of a man or the particular situation in our life. I'm also interested in the symbolism in art, in the wide aspect. I love colours, but also the simple line. I like the cycles of paintings. I paint the open cycles of clowns, angels, different kinds of masks and "The Glass Nature". I've also started the cycle named "Dream", but I think it's not the end of it ;). I thought about it while I was sitting in the doc's waiting-room...
Since the 90's I've belonged to the Amateur Art Club "The Neighbours" and The Mazurian Art Society in Olsztyn.
There are many art exhibitions, competitions and local auctions behind me. In 2003 I took courage and decided to have the individual "show" of what I do "after working hours". And it goes further somehow... ;) Every individual art exhibition I dedicate to my Parents. Thanks to Them I am who I am. Sometimes I also write short stories, dramas or articles. In the 90’s one could read my articles in the most popular newspaper in Olsztyn. Nowadays I am writing for one of the internal academic periodic called "Wiadomości Uniwersyteckie" ("Academic News"). In 2002 I won the national broadcast competition for the radio short story But that’s definitely enough about me. Just visit my website.
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